meet the


a digital exploration of

georgetown's history of slavery


In June 1838, the head of the Maryland Jesuits Rev. Thomas Mulledy S.J. sold 272 enslaved men, women, and children. The buyers were Henry Johnson, a member of the House of Representatives from Louisiana, and Jesse Beatty, another Louisiana planter. The sale was worth about $3.3 million in today's dollars. Part of the proceeds went to pay the debts of Georgetown College.

This project uses data visualization to illustrate information such as the names, ages, journeys, and ultimately the stories of the GU272.

Historical and genealogical research about the GU272 is a work in progress. The data reported below is provided primarily for the purpose of demonstrating the power and usefulness of some data visualization tools and techniques. This data may contain unintentional errors, inaccuracies, and omissions.
Bill of Sale
Article of agreement between Mulledy, Beatty, and Johnson. June 1838, Maryland Province Archives, Booth Family Center for Special Collections, Georgetown University.


The GU272 were shipped from Maryland to Louisiana to work on two sugar plantations. They were part of a “second middle passage” that sent a million enslaved Americans to the Deep South.
(Search for enslaved person and will filter to show people in that slave's family)

Designed + Built By

Sabrina Ma

Georgetown Slavery Archive Digital Fellow 2018
Computer Science and Business Administration (COL '18)
Email | Github | LinkedIn

Jonathan Gibson

American Studies and Computer Science (COL '19)
Email | Github

Special thanks to Professor Adam Rothman for the guidance and Professor Sharon Leon for the initial data collection!